Building Relationships with Students
-Beth Weiler and Robin Kress
come to a frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the
classroom. It’s my personal approach that creates the climate. It’s my daily
mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make
a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument
of inspiration. I can humiliate or heal. In all situations, it is my response
that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child
humanized or dehumanized.”-Haim Ginott as presented in Mandt training
I feel the need to seek out students who were in my
classroom during my first years of teaching and apologize. As a twenty-two year
old teacher, not much older than my senior English students, I was so worried
that I would “lose control” of the classroom that I relied on the old adage of
not smiling before Christmas. I wasted all that precious time being stern
instead of building relationships with my students.
In the article Relating
to Students: It’s What You Do That Counts, Marzano states, “Positive
relationships between teachers and students are among the most commonly cited
variables associated with effective instruction. If the relationship is strong,
instructional strategies seem to be more effective.” While building strong
connections may sound like an easy endeavor, it may take some of us out of our
comfort zones.
Our students need to trust us in order to feel comfortable
enough to take risks and to collaborate with us and others. But how do we build
trust when we have thirty students in a classroom- all of them at different
educational levels, from different backgrounds, and with different needs?
I am not sure I have
a magical answer to that age-old question, but here are some ideas to begin
your journey:
Make it a priority to learn every student’s name
by the end of the first week.
Formulate a student questionnaire or ask them, “What
are some things you want me to know about you. I was surprised, shocked, and
dismayed with some of the personal information students have told me.
Send home a parent questionnaire, “What do you
want me to know about your child.”
Start off each day or class period meeting and
greeting each student by the door.
Speak to the students with respect and watch
your tone and facial expressions. According to Mandt, 55% of your communication
is non-verbal.
What is your “go to”
in making connections with your students?
Think of a teacher
connection you had when you were a student…what did that teacher do differently
to reach you?
What is the “weather”
like in your classroom?
Any helpful hints
for those hard to reach students?
Are there any
resources you need to facilitate more positive relationships with your