Thursday, September 19, 2019

What does Innovation mean?

For me, the concept of innovation is both overwhelming and exciting. The blistering pace of change, particularly changes driven by technology, leave us in a state where it is difficult to predict the future of work and how life in our communities will look. This changing landscape necessitates innovation in education. We all have the power to innovate our practice and the profession. Innovation is not magic. It is not mysterious. Educational Innovation involves deep-thinking, creativity, and professional collaboration and results in reaching every student in effective, exciting, and sometimes unique ways.

I am proud to be part of a think-tank of district teams from across the state who are dedicated to educational innovation. BPS has four teams participating in the ND Innovation Academy. In addition to state-level support, the Academy has been co-sponsored by Ted Dintersmith, author of What School Could Be and a partner in the film Most Likely to Succeed. Dintersmith has worked with schools all over the nation to capture examples of innovation and post them to the Innovation Playlist ( 
The playlist is also available in Google Drive at BPS

During the first ND Innovation Academy session, school teams were asked “What is Innovation?” Below are the initial responses. Give some thought to what your response would be and join us for Twitter Tuesday on September 24 at 9:00 p.m. for #learnbpschat to talk more about innovation in education.

Twitter Questions:
  1. What changes in the world (economic, technological, social, etc.) are impacting education and the need for innovation?
  2. What current education strategies, systems, or processes are most in need of innovation? 
  3. What innovations have you experienced or seen in education in the past 5 years?
  4. If innovation is about reframing challenges as opportunities what are your innovation opportunities?

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